
Friday, August 19, 2011

Starting anew!

So half of my summer I spent in bed with runny nose, scratchy-itchy throat and puffy eyes. When I was on a day 32 of my Metamorphosis I fell sick and wasn't able to workout for over a month! Hence no new posts on my blog. Apologies to my readers! Anyhow, after such along break I decided to start metamorphosis all over again,  instead of continuing on from where I dropped out. That was the best decision I made about this workout! I feel sore all over just like when I just started the TA 30-day Method, my legs and abs are giving me the most trouble. The workout feels as hard as it did on the first day, that's what I like about it, even if you decide to stick with TA Method for life and just rotate the sequences it will always work and feel new and intense!!!
While being sick I didn't gain my weight back, I'm shifting between 153 and 156 lbs now. And my eating wasn't exactly perfect in that time! So everyone who doubts that the results will stay with you, I'm your living proof that they do even if you let yourself take a long break for whatever reason!
Since I didn't have much progress in the past couple months, the promised pics of before and after ME are delayed, sorry. As soon as I get to day 30 again I will update the pictures and share my results with you. Best of luck to all of you trying to stay healthy and happy, stick to your workout and TA Method will not let you down!


  1. Hi! I just the Metamorphosis program and came upon your profile. Do you think that the 30 day method is better than this program?

  2. I think that it's better to start with a 30 day method, it's definitely less intense, and you get a pretty good idea of what Tracy is trying to do with your body. The Metamorphosis is great too, but it's faster. I'd say 30-day method is for beginners, and Metamorphosis is the Intermediate level going on Advanced. Hope that helps! Best of luck!!!

  3. The ideal abdominal exercise for fat loss are movements that function additional of the entire body and core rather than isolating the direct abdominals by means of a movement like the crunch.
