
Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 3 & 4 of Tracy Anderson's 30 day Method

The day 3 & 4 fell out on Wednesday and Thursday, that happen to be the busiest days in the week for me. Day 3 was really hard, I finished my muscular structure workout around 9 p.m. and barely pushed myself through 20 minutes of cardio. And only after that I cooked the dinner. By the way on this same day I found one meal that I didn't enjoy, it was the veggie roll-up omelet, I'm pretty sure that I cooked it right, I'll try it again when the time comes. So far this is the only meal I didn't like. On day 4, I got a bit smarter about my workout and split it in two sessions. I completed my muscular structure workout around lunch time and did all 40 minutes of cardio around 9 p.m. when I got home. I know this is not ideal, it has to be done in succession, but I really needed to figure something out to make a complete workout happen on that day.
I am really sore, and not sore only in one particular spot, but all over. Tracy mentions that in her book: Tracy Anderson 30 day Method. I'm pretty tired every time I complete the workout and cardio, but I think it works. Besides if I'm sore all over, that must mean that I'm doing everything right! So that's great!
The food on the menu continues to amaze me and taste great! Yesterday was a really good meal plan, I think I will be bringing at least half if not all of the meals from the book in my regular diet after I'm done with this boot camp program! So day 4 menu was, berry compote for breakfast, chicken protein soup for lunch, kiwi dessert for snack and grilled chicken with mango and scallion for dinner! Even without the recipe for each of these you can imagine how yummy these meals are. This is just to encourage some of you, who are dreading the diets, believe me you will enjoy and love this diet! So this is it for the Day 3 & 4. I'll let you know about my progress soon on Day 7!

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